Potato Milk in Coffee: Pros and Cons

Potato Milk in Coffee: Pros and Cons

When it comes to non-dairy milk, the truth is that we have lots of options these days. When companies first started manufacturing soy, almond, coconut, cashew, and oat milk, people were amazed. Nowadays, we have a few more types of non-dairy milk to enjoy, including the most recent – potato milk. If you just winced at the thought of “drinking” potatoes, you’re not the only one. The thing is, potato milk has a lot more nutritional value than most people realize, and besides, it tastes absolutely yummy!

How Did They Get Milk From Potatoes?

Getting milk from potatoes is not that complicated, and since potatoes have such high nutritional value, potato milk is a great way to add extra vitamins and minerals to your daily life. Potatoes are boiled and emulsified, then certain nutrients are added to it during the manufacturing process. Most potato milk has added nutrients that include vitamins D and B12, folic acid, and even calcium. If you buy your potato milk off the shelf, you can rest assured that it is going to be good for you. The problem is, you may end up making the milk yourself instead of buying it.

If you’re wondering why, the answer is simple. To date, there is only one company that manufactures potato milk, and their product is called DUG. DUG is available in three different flavors, including unsweetened, barista, and original. Unfortunately, as of this writing the product is only sold in Europe, which means most of the world can’t get it. The solution, however, is simple – make your own. Potato milk is super easy to make and best of all, you can add your own ingredients until it has the taste and texture you want from it.

Why Choose Potato Milk Over Dairy Milk?

There are numerous reasons for choosing potato milk over dairy milk, and even over other forms of non-dairy milk. You have a lot of options when it comes to consuming non-dairy milk, and some of the reasons you might want to do this include:

  • You are a vegan or attempting to follow the vegan lifestyle
  • You are intent on lessening your dairy intake because you are lactose-intolerant or because you don’t consider dairy products healthy
  • You are interested in being more responsible when it comes to the environment, including leaving behind a smaller carbon footprint

For whatever reason you’ve chosen, adding potato milk to your diet is a smart choice. Although it’s easy to figure out that potato milk is filled with vitamins and minerals that are healthy for you, it’s another thing to see yourself replacing your milk and dairy products with potato milk. After all, you likely have a lot of questions when it comes to potato milk. What does it taste like? What is the texture like? Can I really replace foods such as milk and even coffee creamer with potato milk? Is this even a good idea? The following information can help you decide.

Does Potato Milk Go in Coffee?

The answer to this question depends on who you ask. Potato milk has a creamy texture and does not actually taste like potatoes. The taste is a little on the sweet side and the texture is rather thick and very creamy, so it can indeed go into your morning coffee just like a dairy product would. In many ways, potato milk works just like any other milk when put into coffee. Although the taste is a little different from dairy milk, the overall texture is very similar, which means a lot of people won’t even notice that it isn’t a dairy product.

--->>>   What Is DUG Milk?

The advantages of choosing potato milk for your morning coffee include that the texture is much like dairy milk’s texture. Although the taste isn’t exactly the same as dairy milk, most people find that potato milk has a very nice taste overall. When you consider that potato milk has tons of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, it can actually beat dairy milk in many ways. After all, potato milk is something new, but the company that makes DUG is working hard to make sure more and more people learn about this amazing product.

Those things being said, there are still some downsides to choosing potato milk over regular milk and creamer. First of all, the image of a potato being used as a drink is simply unappealing to many people. Let’s face it, potatoes just don’t scream “coffee break” to anyone. It is simply difficult to imagine using potato milk in coffee, pancake batter, or worse, in cereal. Although hash browns are likely to remain a breakfast option for many people, most people simply don’t think of potatoes when they’re considering what to add to their morning coffee.

Potatoes are famously bland vegetables but still have a taste that is surprisingly strong. Potato milk tends to be described as salty, sour, starchy, gritty, and filmy. But, don’t assume that everyone dislikes potato milk. In fact, it’s just the opposite. Many people do in fact love both the taste and texture of potato milk. Some people love the taste and texture but not the way it looks, while others love the way it looks but not the taste and texture. Just like anything else that’s new on the market, a lot of the opinions expressed vary depending on the users’ personal tastes and preferences.

Store-Bought Versus Homemade Potato Milk

When using potato milk in your coffee, the results also depend on whether you’re drinking store-bought or homemade potato milk. Although store-bought potato milk tends to have more nutrients in it and is available in three different flavors, homemade potato milk offers you the option to add various ingredients that you love to make it taste better. Many people love putting DUG potato milk in their coffee, while others prefer their own homemade recipe instead.

In conclusion, the bottom line is that in many ways, the jury is still out when it comes to using potato milk in your coffee. The taste and texture are generally good, but as long as people have a “hang up” when it comes to using potatoes as a drink, its popularity may not grow like we want it to.


There's nothing like a potato. I've been eating potatoes my whole life and I think everyone should use more potatoes in their cooking!

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